
Showing posts from May 6, 2021

5th & 6th May 2021

5th May - Wednesday First we had a session with Ancy ma'm and today it was her anniversary. I had network issues and was having trouble staying connected. Today we learned on the topic Aurobindo Ghosh.   Up next was our Optional class and Uthara took One Part Woman as part of Reading and Reflection discussion.  My network gave me such a big headache. My network kept on disconnecting.  I could hear her, but could not see the presentation. 6th May - Thursday First hour was handled by Joju sir and he began with a inspirational thought. And our seminar session continued. Today Maths optional enlightened us on the topic Cyber crime. Next hour was taken by George Thomas sir and we practiced Yoga. Last it was Giby ma'm hour, but she did not teach anything at that hour, but later uploaded an audio stating that we shall continue our seminars via WhatsApp. 

3rd & 4th May 2021

At first we had a session with Meekha ma'm and at first we discussed regarding our association programme that our class conducted for the English Language Day. Then we continued with our Reading and Reflection discussion; Gayatri discussed on the novel A Thousand Splendid Sun. Next Giby ma'm came and from then we started the Howard Gardener's Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory. I presented first as I was dealing with the Introduction part, followed by Uthara. 4th May - Tuesday Finally our English association programmes results were declared.. Congrats to all the winners and the other participants, good job.. Hats off 👏👏 Our first session was handled by Joju sir and we continued with our seminar. Next we had a session with Maya ma'm and social science optional continued.

29th & 30th April 2021

29th April - Thursday Today we had only one session with our Physical Education teacher Dr. George Thomas. Sir made us do a few warm-up exercise and a few breathing exercise.  30th April - Friday Our classes began with Dr. Joju John Sir and we continued with our seminars.  Today we learned that our friend Biji (Natural Science) met with an accident and i pray to the almighty for her speedy recovery. Next we had a session with Maya ma'm and Social Science optionals took the seminar. They discussed on the Caste system. Finally ma'm reviewed and gave a good feedback. 

27th & 28th April 2021

27th April 2021 - Tuesday Our first session was handled by Maya ma'm and we discussed on Social evils and corruption.  In the next season Giby ma'm came and we continued with our seminar.. The most interesting event was when she tried explain Multiple Intelligence (MI) with the example with the famous historical character depicted in the viral song "Rasputin". 28th April - Wednesday First hour we had our Optional class  and we continued with our Reading and Reflection discussion.  Sreelekshmi - Goat Days  Megha Ajith - God of Small Things Both the books were amazing and they presented it brilliantly. Like Megha said " It's not always the big, but the small things that matter". Next we had a session with Maya ma'm and we continued with our seminar presentations. Seminars were organised by Physical science department. 

23rd & 26th April 2021

23rd April 2021 - Friday Today we got a session with Maya ma'm... After a long time.. It was really pleasant to meet her. We started with next round seminar session and National Integration was our topic of discussion.  I was more a open discussion than a regular academic class. 26th April - Monday Today we began our session with our Optional class and we continued with our Reading and Reflection discussion. The following books were presented by the following students ; Aleena - The Zahir  Sree Priya - Eleven Minutes  Anooja - The Bread Winner Then we had a discussion as part of our English Language Day. And ma'm divided responsibilities among students. 2nd hour was handled by Maya ma'm and today Malayalam optional presented their seminar.

21st & 22nd April 2021

21st April - Wednesday Our first session was handled by Giby ma'm and we continued with psychology seminar. We began with a prayer song and we continued with our seminar session. Today Caran, Georgeena, Anjitha and Sreelekshmi presented on Guildford Theory . I had some network issue and had difficulty staying online continuously. After each presentation ma'm asked questions to check whether we were mindful in our class.  Up next was our Optional hour, but this my network was totally gone and I could just get a glimpse of their presentation. As part of our Reading and Reflection seminar ; Anjitha - Sita's Sister  Kavya - Sapiens : A Brief History of Human Kind.  Presented their study. 22nd April 2021 - Thursday World Earth Day As part of this special day, EcoClub ( Prakriti)  conducted a mobile photography competition. As part of our Online class ; Our first session was handled by Joju sir and we continued with our seminar pres

19th & 20th April 2021

This weekend was all tied up with seminar-slide preparation. 19th April - Monday At first we had our Optional class and Georgeena and I presented our reflection as part of the seminar on Reading and Reflection.  Varsha - No Place to Call Home  Georgeena - The Peaks of Being a Wallflower. Next session was handled by Joju sir and our seminar continued.   At the end of the session Sir conducted a quick rapid fire session as part of his evaluation process. 20th April 2021 Our first session was conducted by Ancy ma'm and today she taught us on Rabindranath Tagore. As usual she called for an open discussion and then enlightened us with more information.  Next we had a session with our PT sir Dr. George Thomas. It was after a long time that we were attending his class. He shared the need to keep our physical and mental system fit, especially in this pandemic era. Next we had a session with Joju sir and we continued with our seminars.

15th & 16th April 2021

15th April - Thursday  Today our session began with our Optional hour and its always good to see Meekha ma'm.  We continued with our Reading and Reflection discussion. Today I was supposed to take the seminar, but I was really tied to my domestic activities and had to ask ma'm for another chance. And she agreed. Thank God my good mate Jis agreed to do the presentation.  Jis - The Fault in Our Stares.  It was an international bestseller and there is a movie in the same name (1 in Hindi too, though its yet to be released).  Its beautiful tragic love story.  Up next was a session with Giby ma'm.. But there was a network issue and I couldn't attend her class. 16th April - Friday  First half was handled by Joju sir and the remaining seminars were conducted. On this day on, English optionals had to do the presentation.  The latter half was taken by Ancy ma'm and she taught us on Mahatma Gandhi. She initially went for an open discussion.

12th & 13th April 2021

12th April - Monday  We had optional as our first class and we continued with our Reading and Reflection discussions. Today; Ganga- Chronicle of Death Foretold Caran - Song of Solomon  Devika - Sita : Warrior of Mithila  Reflected their thoughts..   Up next we had a session with our Principal sir. He taught us on Classroom Management and the important line he mentioned " Before you teach a student, you should learn your student". Thus stating how important it is to create a rapport with your students is essential.  Then he taught us on the   subskill   Chalkboard writing and  the skill of closure.  13th April - Tuesday  Our first session was handled by Joju sir. We continued with with our seminar presentations.  The next hour was taken by Ancy ma'm and she continued with Plato. 

8th & 9th April 2021

My fear came true.. We received a message from our principal that from 8th April (Wednesday) onwards we shall restart our class via online. I was at Banglore with my family and it was a shock, but somehow i managed family, kitchen and my 7 month son.  8th April 2021 - Thursday   Our first hour was allotted to Joju sir and we conducted the seminar session. One after the other, the students from Natural Science option presented their topics.    The next session was by Giby ma'm and she taught us on characteristics of personality. Unfortunately my data was over and I couldn't continue 😔 Network is a serious issue around here. 9th April 2021 - Friday Online session began with Ancy ma'm class. We discussed on the thinker Plato. Ma'm shared the PPT as our study material.  Up next was our Option class and we continued with our seminars on Reading and Reflection.  2 of my class mates reflected their thoughts on the book they chose. Anusha - Iam Malala 

31st March 2021

Arts Fest.. Day 3.. This the time.. I had 3 performances... Vanjipatt, Thiruvathira and Skit. This is by far the most number of events I participate. Everyone were busy.. A few were busy with stage decoration, a few were practicing, a few doing their makeup.. On the scoreboard the incharges were mentioning the group points..  Group 1 and 2 (mine) was neck to neck.. The heat is on.. First up was our Vanjipaat.. We had a few difficulties, but we somehow managed to bring 10 members on stage. Up next we had our Thiruvathira.. Myself, Shreelakshmi and Sukanya ran to get our hair and makeup done. We won SECOND PRIZE. 🥈 We got the FIRST PRIZE 🥇 Finally.. Our Skit.. God.. It was in every way an experiment.. Our 1st rehearsal.. Spot dialogues.. It was fun. And we got FIRST PRIZE 🥇 Woowww.. ❤️❤️❤️ Finally when results were declared.. Our group won 2nd position and Group 1..Panjachamaram.. They won this fest..