
Showing posts from May 4, 2021

27th March 2021

Holi.. People were all busy with practice the whole day..  I couldn't stop but to draw the difference between how an arts fest is conducted in a Arts college (I have seen this from my Ivanios days) and how it's done in a Training college. A few of the students were celebrating holi, though I as always escaped. 

26th March 2021

The day kicked starts with Maya ma'm hour and she told us about "Nelikka".. Something about Maya ma'm is that she has got a style and power.. No matter what she speaks, I always get glued to her lecture. On the topic.. She spoke on how it is important in our culture and how good it is for our health.  Finally I got to complete my seminar (after such a long wait)  After a break it was again Maya ma'm hour and she talked on National Integrity.  In the next hour our principal sir came and taught us Skills of Explaining,   Skill of Experimentation /Demonstration and Sub skill of Chalkboard writing.  Afternoon sessions began with our Optional subjects and continued with our seminar.  After that we gathered for our Arts fest preparation. 

25th March 2021 - The ultimate debate

Maya ma'm was continuing with our seminar presentation (as English optional's performance were on the go). After each presenter Maya ma'm would give us an insight on that particular topic and stress on the points that we need to focus. Ma'm was talking about women being given the status of goddess. Suddenly one of my optional mate expressed her opinion contrary to the statement. Subhash (man of the hour), a student from Social Science class stated a counter argument. Thus began a debate.. It was amazing.. So heated, factual.. Subhash, a university rank holder (what I felt was ; enne paranja njanu sahikkum, but ente subject thotta.. Hmm) I understand his feelings.. I used to be like that.. Please note.. I used to be 😔😢. As a woman I strongly advocate that we break the so called "generalisation" and to break the stereotypical notion that lies upon women. After the this HOT debate session (though the heat sustained in the audience mind) we had our O

24th March 2021 - NISARGA

College inauguration. But I was not feeling so well, and since there won't be any class I decided to get some rest.  But I really missed today's celebration. Then there was a dubsmash competition.  Then the star performance came from Joju sir and Deepthi teacher. They performed the epic "I love you" scene from the movie Vandanam. Finally a dance performance by all our teachers, including our college principal sir was the cherry on top.