
Showing posts from March 16, 2021

2nd March 2021

Due to the unexpected Strike, today's class was online. 1st hour was handled by Joju Sir and he gave us a detailed explanation on Practicum  with the help of a power point presentation. 2nd hour was handled by Giby Ma'm and taught us on Personality. She then mentioned about the main traits and then gave us an activity. Then last hour, we had English optional during which remaining seminars was conducted. 

1st March 2021

Morning was brightened by Aleena Kutti's phonetic lab. She taught the proper pronunciation to a student from another class. First hour was handled by Meekha Ma'm and the remaining seminars were taken. Up next came our principal sir. He continued his class on Micro teaching. Multi sensory approach. Then he taught us on different kinds of learners. Then he taught us on the HOT and LOT questions. Then taught us the art of framing questions. He mentioned the Blooms Taxonomy and the Revised Blooms Taxonomy was also discussed. Afternoon session we had another Optional class. Our Micro teaching session thus began. As part of the closing ceremony of camp, our seniors distributed payasam. 

26th February 2021

Friday... My favourite day... The day started with Meekha Ma'm class and the remaining seminars were conducted. During the break, Aparna invited everyone officially to her wedding. After lunch we had Optional classes then we worked on our Phonetic Lab. 

25th February 2021

Was absent on this day. Learned the hard way that there were many good lectures and programmes in college.

24th February 2021

Our first hour was handled by our beloved Principal sir and today he talked on Skill based Instructional Design : An Introduction. The class was about Micro & Macro teaching and he Ave us a detailed explanation on the Skills that we require as a teacher. The following hours were taken up by Giby Ma'm and then came Ancy Ma'm. After our lunch Maya Ma'm taught on Pragmatism. Ancy Ma'm taught us on Froebel, the founder of Kinder Garden. The last hour was handled by Joju Sir and gave a lecture on Principles of Teaching Aids. 

23rd February 2021

What a day. A few unions under KSRTC declared strike, thus many students were absent on class. Non of us were in a mood to study. Ancy Ma'm continued with her portions, then came Maya Ma'm and shared her experience with Covid 19. She had undergone this experience and wanted to share with us to motivate us to be more bold and to be more healthy and hygienic. Then came our Principal sir and continued with his class. After lunch, we had optional hour and tomorrow we have our first ever assembly. Last session was taken by Joju Sir and taught us on Teaching Aids. 

22nd February 2021

A new week, a new day. Everyone was busy preparing for Maya Ma'm test paper. Today's Phonetic Lab exercise was given to Jis. First hour we had a session with Giby Ma'm and she continued with her topic Educational Psychology. Then Maya Ma'm came, though everyone expected a test paper, she postponed it. Then we learned about Herbartian steps in lesson planning. Then came Optional class and we continued with our seminars. Finally we had sessions with Ancy Ma'm and Joju Sir. Ma'm gave us printed notes. 

19th February 2021

The day began with a beautiful session with Maya Ma'm and she continued on Realism theory. We discussed on the topic Harmony. It was quite an interesting class. Sometimes it's not that the big thing or gestures, but the little things that could bring a smile in our face. After that Archana Ma'm continued with her session. Third hour was handled by our Principal sir and his class began with a PPT cover page Early Steps in Teaching Pedagogy. He taught us one the bipolar and tripolar concepts in education. Then he conducted an activity. It was all really fun. After lunch, Joju Sir engaged us and taught us on Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience. Then we had physical education. 

18th February 2021

Our class room decoration is at its peak, thus everyone came early and actively contributed their part. In the first session we had our Yog class and vajrasana sitting posture is a real challenge. Then we had a session with Maya Ma'm and she taught us on Realism. Realism = Common sense.. That's what I could deduct from Ma'm class. Next up was Ancy Ma'm engaged us. Next we had a session with Archana Ma'm (M. Ed teacher) , who gave us a detailed introduction and idea on Psychology. Post lunch session was handled by Giby Ma'm. She taught on Educational Psychology and to make her point clear, she used the example she asked a question ; How can you make a horse drink water who refuse to drink the water? Many funny and smart suggestions came up. Finally Giby Ma'm explained about the Soap technique (or the salt technique). The session came to an end and we headed to library as it came for our next session. Last hour we had club activities. Principal sir