
Showing posts from March 13, 2021

17th February 2021

Next saree day.. We had our first ever assembly and our 1st year M. Ed were in charge of it. It felt really nostalgic to say our Indian pledge and national anthem. Prayer - Pledge - National news- Campus news - Thought for the Day - This date's specialty - College Anthem - National anthem. They inaugurated their class group Agni. Our beloved principal sir inaugurated it. Then there was a publication of an online (pdf) book in hard copy form. With Principal sir and Regu sir's informal speech, the function came to an end. In the optional hour we continued with our class decoration.  Next hour Principal introduced a new teacher to our class. He was introduced as our new Arts and Aesthetics  teacher. He began with a question "What does an actor need?" - Voice, Body and Mind.  We practiced on voice modulation.  Then our regular classes continued with Giby Ma'm, Maya Ma'm, Ancy Ma'm and Joju Sir. He introduced a new book " The Power

16th February 2021

New day.. New energetic morning.. The classes began with Ancy Ma'm class, followed by Joju Sir. Then a session with Maya Ma'm and she taught on Naturalism  Then off to our optional class. We had a discussion on "behaviourism". Next we had a session with Giby Ma'm and then Joju Sir.