
Showing posts from March 9, 2021

15th February 2021

Morning session began with Giby Ma'm class and she started asking questions to check whether we revised our topics. Next we had a session with Maya Ma'm and we learned a beautiful school of philosophy called Naturalism.  We went to library on our English Optional hour since Meekha miss was on leave. Its been a while since I spent some time in the reading room and it was refreshing. After our lunch we headed to auditorium to witness the last day of Talent hunt programme. With Social science's performance the talent hunt 2020-22 came to an end. 

12th February 2021... Our Talent hunt

This is the day.. The day we have to showcase our talent. We got an announcement that we will be having a special class from guest teacher.  G. V. Hari (former MTTC student), a teacher by profession and parllely works as a motivational speaker and a Youtuber.  The session was not his lesson, but he was the lesson. We were supposed as to how quickly the session came to an end. It was really interesting. A SMILE ( Appreciate, Support, Monitor, Love & Empathy ) Finally our turn came Next up; English Optional students 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

10th February 2021..Thus began our TALENT HUNT program

Today, in saree with my guardian (husband) to college. He had to come as part of PTA. The meeting began with 3 prayers (from all 3 Holy texts) and sweets were distributed to students. The chief guest of the day was Dr. Prasad, former VC, SCERT Director and member of NCTE. And the end of the meeting there was a prize distribution session for those students who qualified UGC exam. After PTA and our lunch session we had a session with Ancy Ma'm and then went to auditorium to attend our MEd student teachers talent hunt program.  Their shadow play was the highlight of the event. 

9th February 2021

A beautiful day, off to a beautiful college. Our first hour was handled by Joju Sir and he discussed about tomorrow's function. Then gave us some notes on Technology and Teaching. New Technology representatives were also selected. Next we had a session with Ancy Ma'm and she gave us a PowerPoint session on Child Psychology.  After spot allotment, we got a few new admissions, but we didn't had the chance to meet them. But Maya Ma'm came to bridge that gap and she took the initiative to introduce the new students in our class.  Then we had optional hour (continued with seminars) then we practiced for our Talent hunt programme. 

8th February 2021

The classes began with a beautiful session from our dear Giby Ma'm and she taught us on Psychology. Followed by another interesting session by Maya Ma'm. Up next we had our optional subjects and we submitted our first ever assignment. (it's just the beginning 🤭)  After our lunch, we had two hours by our beloved Principal Benedict sir.  According to him our generation = Y and our parents = X generation.  The final session was taken up by Joju Sir and we conducted our Pannel discussion. 

4th February 2021

The day began with our Yoga session and   Vajrasana sounds to simple, but sitting in that position is no easy task. Academic session began with Maya Ma'm class and her Philosophy class continued and towards the end of her session she made us play a game.  We need to answer a few MCQ questions, which are related to our personality. And each answer we choose gave us points which are then compared to an animal (their trait).. It was surprising to know that most girls our college resembled the characteristic feature of a Lion (Singa Penne) Later we had a session with Ancy Ma'm, followed by Optional period.  After lunch we had a session with Joju Sir and the rest of the members (yesterday's discussion) discussed their views.  After this session we went for our upcoming Talent hunt practice. 

3rd February 2021.. Our first saree day

Saree, a handbag, an umbrella in hand.. The first image that comes to your mind when you think of a Malayali teacher.. It was really interesting to see my classmates in beautiful saree (some were experts, yet a few were beginners). During our optional hour we had a class seminar and then we headed to auditorium. We had a session with Dr. Giby Geevargees (on Psychoanalytic theory ), the a session with Dr Joju John. And we conducted our presentation of our group discussion. After lunch we had a session with Dr Maya and then with Dr Ancy. We were all exhausted by the last hour. The final session was handled by Dr George. But instead of games he wanted us to check our BMI.  Then we went to our college canteen to grab a bite and then back to home. 

2nd February 2021

The day kicked started with Ancy Ma'm General class.. The fear of conducting a test paper were in the minds of everyone.. But, she surprised us by not conducting it (she learned from our seniors that we were all well prepared) Then we headed to the college auditorium to see our seniors viewing arts programme. Their theme : Corona  Classes continued.. Up next came Maya Ma'm and she gave an introduction to philosophy. Finally (drum roll🥁) We English Optional got a new class teacher👩‍💻👩🏻‍🏫 Mrs. Meekha, a research scholar. Our principal introduced her to us and then we got to interact with her. Poor Ma'm travels every day from Kollam back and forth.. Compared to her situation, I have a haven. In the last session, Joju Sir came (it was a free hour, thus he engaged our class) and taught us our college anthem " Dominus Mea Illumination". We all sang together and learned the song.