18th February 2021

Our class room decoration is at its peak, thus everyone came early and actively contributed their part. In the first session we had our Yog class and vajrasana sitting posture is a real challenge.
Then we had a session with Maya Ma'm and she taught us on Realism. Realism = Common sense.. That's what I could deduct from Ma'm class.
Next up was Ancy Ma'm engaged us. Next we had a session with Archana Ma'm (M. Ed teacher) , who gave us a detailed introduction and idea on Psychology.
Post lunch session was handled by Giby Ma'm. She taught on Educational Psychology and to make her point clear, she used the example she asked a question ; How can you make a horse drink water who refuse to drink the water?
Many funny and smart suggestions came up. Finally Giby Ma'm explained about the Soap technique (or the salt technique).
The session came to an end and we headed to library as it came for our next session.
Last hour we had club activities. Principal sir and Sebastian sir was in charge of allotting us in different clubs. There were 12 clubs in total and I was placed in Psychology club. 


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