25th March 2021 - The ultimate debate

Maya ma'm was continuing with our seminar presentation (as English optional's performance were on the go). After each presenter Maya ma'm would give us an insight on that particular topic and stress on the points that we need to focus.
Ma'm was talking about women being given the status of goddess. Suddenly one of my optional mate expressed her opinion contrary to the statement. Subhash (man of the hour), a student from Social Science class stated a counter argument.
Thus began a debate.. It was amazing.. So heated, factual.. Subhash, a university rank holder (what I felt was ; enne paranja njanu sahikkum, but ente subject thotta.. Hmm) I understand his feelings.. I used to be like that.. Please note.. I used to be 😔😢.
As a woman I strongly advocate that we break the so called "generalisation" and to break the stereotypical notion that lies upon women.

After the this HOT debate session (though the heat sustained in the audience mind) we had our Optional hour. And all seminars came to an end. 
After lunch session we had an hour with Joju sir (seminar).
Maya ma'm took an hour in the afternoon session to finish her seminar and priyanka got to conduct her seminar. 
In the last hour Principal sir and a few other teachers came in to allot us in different houses.
I was allotted in the 2nd group. A group meeting was conducted and we choose Albin Achan as our vice-captain. 
Arts day is approaching and I can sense the energy and excitement in everyone's face. Can't wait ❤️


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