31st March 2021

Arts Fest.. Day 3..
This the time.. I had 3 performances... Vanjipatt, Thiruvathira and Skit. This is by far the most number of events I participate.
Everyone were busy.. A few were busy with stage decoration, a few were practicing, a few doing their makeup..
On the scoreboard the incharges were mentioning the group points.. 
Group 1 and 2 (mine) was neck to neck.. The heat is on..
First up was our Vanjipaat.. We had a few difficulties, but we somehow managed to bring 10 members on stage.
Up next we had our Thiruvathira.. Myself, Shreelakshmi and Sukanya ran to get our hair and makeup done.
We got the FIRST PRIZE 🥇
Finally.. Our Skit.. God.. It was in every way an experiment.. Our 1st rehearsal.. Spot dialogues.. It was fun.
And we got FIRST PRIZE 🥇
Woowww.. ❤️❤️❤️
Finally when results were declared.. Our group won 2nd position and Group 1..Panjachamaram.. They won this fest..
But... I was awarded The Literary Champion 🏆with 15 points.. I got 1st prize for English Short Story and Poetry writing 😜.
A few highlights.. 

Finally the day came to an end with everyone dancing on the stage..
And our vacation began... But since ours is a Training college, my heart says, we might have online classes (seminars). 🤷‍♀️ You never know.. 


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