15th & 16th April 2021

15th April - Thursday 

Today our session began with our Optional hour and its always good to see Meekha ma'm. 

We continued with our Reading and Reflection discussion. Today I was supposed to take the seminar, but I was really tied to my domestic activities and had to ask ma'm for another chance. And she agreed. Thank God my good mate Jis agreed to do the presentation. 
Jis - The Fault in Our Stares. 
It was an international bestseller and there is a movie in the same name (1 in Hindi too, though its yet to be released). 
Its beautiful tragic love story. 

Up next was a session with Giby ma'm.. But there was a network issue and I couldn't attend her class.

16th April - Friday 

First half was handled by Joju sir and the remaining seminars were conducted. On this day on, English optionals had to do the presentation. 
The latter half was taken by Ancy ma'm and she taught us on Mahatma Gandhi. She initially went for an open discussion. Many students contributed. Then ma'm shared her PPT.


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