19th & 20th April 2021

This weekend was all tied up with seminar-slide preparation.

19th April - Monday

At first we had our Optional class and Georgeena and I presented our reflection as part of the seminar on Reading and Reflection. 
Varsha - No Place to Call Home 
Georgeena - The Peaks of Being a Wallflower.
Next session was handled by Joju sir and our seminar continued. 
 At the end of the session Sir conducted a quick rapid fire session as part of his evaluation process.

20th April 2021

Our first session was conducted by Ancy ma'm and today she taught us on Rabindranath Tagore.
As usual she called for an open discussion and then enlightened us with more information. 
Next we had a session with our PT sir Dr. George Thomas. It was after a long time that we were attending his class. He shared the need to keep our physical and mental system fit, especially in this pandemic era.
Next we had a session with Joju sir and we continued with our seminars.


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