21st & 22nd April 2021

21st April - Wednesday

Our first session was handled by Giby ma'm and we continued with psychology seminar. We began with a prayer song and we continued with our seminar session.
Today Caran, Georgeena, Anjitha and Sreelekshmi presented on Guildford Theory. I had some network issue and had difficulty staying online continuously.
After each presentation ma'm asked questions to check whether we were mindful in our class. 
Up next was our Optional hour, but this my network was totally gone and I could just get a glimpse of their presentation.
As part of our Reading and Reflection seminar ;
Anjitha - Sita's Sister 
Kavya - Sapiens : A Brief History of Human Kind. 
Presented their study.

22nd April 2021 - Thursday
World Earth Day
As part of this special day, EcoClub (Prakriti) conducted a mobile photography competition.
As part of our Online class ;
Our first session was handled by Joju sir and we continued with our seminar presentation.
After that we had a session with Ancy ma'm. She taught us about Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and Swami Vivekananda.
Later that day, there was a Civil Service coaching programme (an introduction) was organised by our college Union. Adv. Jyothi Vijayakumar was the chief guest.
Unfortunately my network did not function well and I couldn't participate. 


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