8th & 9th April 2021

My fear came true.. We received a message from our principal that from 8th April (Wednesday) onwards we shall restart our class via online.
I was at Banglore with my family and it was a shock, but somehow i managed family, kitchen and my 7 month son. 

8th April 2021 - Thursday 
 Our first hour was allotted to Joju sir and we conducted the seminar session.
One after the other, the students from Natural Science option presented their topics. 
The next session was by Giby ma'm and she taught us on characteristics of personality.
Unfortunately my data was over and I couldn't continue 😔 Network is a serious issue around here.

9th April 2021 - Friday

Online session began with Ancy ma'm class. We discussed on the thinker Plato. Ma'm shared the PPT as our study material.
 Up next was our Option class and we continued with our seminars on Reading and Reflection. 
2 of my class mates reflected their thoughts on the book they chose.
Anusha - Iam Malala 
Sr. Shaiji - The Alchemist 


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