27th & 28th April 2021

27th April 2021 - Tuesday

Our first session was handled by Maya ma'm and we discussed on Social evils and corruption.
 In the next season Giby ma'm came and we continued with our seminar.. The most interesting event was when she tried explain Multiple Intelligence (MI) with the example with the famous historical character depicted in the viral song "Rasputin".
28th April - Wednesday

First hour we had our Optional class 
and we continued with our Reading and Reflection discussion. 
Sreelekshmi - Goat Days 
Megha Ajith - God of Small Things
Both the books were amazing and they presented it brilliantly. Like Megha said "It's not always the big, but the small things that matter".
Next we had a session with Maya ma'm and we continued with our seminar presentations. Seminars were organised by Physical science department. 


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