26th & 27th May

26th May 2021
* "AIKYA" *

Sharp at 10 we opened our Google platform and was all set for the inaugural function of our Social Science Association. The event began with an animated video representing the pandamic situation.
Then came another video reminding us about the Covid protocols. And with that the function began. 
Our chief guest was the main attraction Trivandrum's Mayor Arya Rajendran.
Her message to the students was the best thing.. Instead of aiming to become a doctor or engineer, every person should try to become a good human being. 
Principal sir then released the logo and graced the occasion with his speech. 
The program came to an end with our National Anthem.

27th May 2021

Our day started with Meekha ma'am class and we discussed on Revised Taxonomy. 
Ma'am then talked about the crisis we are dealing and asked us to be more careful. 

Next came Joju sir and we discussed about our upcoming internal exam and the pending seminars were conducted.


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