19th & 20th May 2021

19th May - Wednesday
Our first session was handled by Meekha ma'm and finally we completed our Reading and Reflection discussion with Mahima's Kite Runner. 
After that, Anooja gave an introduction on the topic Bloom's Taxonomy. It is an important topic, thus ma'm divided a big essay into little chunks and divided it amongst us. After Anooja introduction, ma'm asked a few questions.
Up next was Maya ma'm class and the seminars continued.

20th May - Thursday

Our online classes began with Dr. Joju John and today is his birthday. Sir began his session with the relevance of Dodo bird and Dodo tree and their extinction.
After that we continued with our seminar presentation from Physical science optional. 
Our second session was handled by Ancy ma'm. Other than Joju sir, 2 students, namely Devika and Priyanka (English optional) had their birthdays. So ma'm asked us to turn on our audio and to wish them. Thus we sang "Happy birthday to you" song. Whether they (Devika & Priyanka) enjoyed it or not, my little son (who was standing near me in his walker) really enjoyed and was exited when he heard so many people sing together. He thought they sang for him 😍❤️. After that and we discussed a few topics under our Philosophy paper. 


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