12th & 14th May 2021

12th May - Wednesday
Our first session was handled by Joju sir and Mathematics optional continued with their presentation.
Up next was a session with Giby ma'm and she asked presenters to frame questions. These people were assigned to upload an audio clip of their ppt.
 I was not feeling well today, so I had to leave the class amidst. 

14th May-Friday

Our first session was handled by Meekha ma'm and at first we discussed on a few general things and then continued with the Reading and Reflection.
Megha presented her work, but it was not at all audible and she couldn't share her PPT. 
Up next was a session with Joju sir and Social Science optional presented their seminar.
That's all for this week..
Government extended their lock-down till 23rd May, and Trivandrum will be having triple lock down from 16th. 
On one side we have this pandemic and on the other side this climate.. Mother nature is fierce..
Hopefully this too shall pass.. Soon.. I hope. 
Stay home.. Stay safe everyone 


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