9th March 2021

School Induction :: Day 1
We headed first to our college and then to St. John's HSS.
We were a group of 15 students (1 absent) and from English optional we were 3 - Priyanka, Sr. Shaiji and I.
After meeting the school headmistress Rani Alex and marked our attendance. Then we headed to see the building structure. Since the schools are closed, we couldn't fulfill the original purpose of a school induction. 
But the school took the initiative to conduct regular online class and remadial class (offline mode) for the weaker students. 
The school is spacious and has only H.S and H.S.S sections. 
After meeting everyone and taking pictures we headed to the classroom allotted to us. 
Then we had lunch, we had some fun and then started planning to prepare our report. Before leaving the school premises we were again asked to mark our attendance. 


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