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22nd March 2021

The day started with our General class and the first two hours were taken by Maya Ma'm. She gave us a brief description of today's importance - 22 March is World Water Day. 
Then mam taught different terms related to Culture. After that mam conducted the seminar on English Optionals. I really hoped I could take my seminar, but I couldn't. 
The next hour was engaged by Benedict Sir and after brushing up our memory, he taught us the difference between Probing and Redirection. 
As he was explaining, he got a slip of tongue and at first mixed bot the concept. As soon as he realised his mistake he apologised and corrected his mistake right away 🥺. That's an example of a good teacher. I still remember how my teachers used to scold us for asking questions or suggest any mistakes that they mentioned. 
Then sir discussed the next Sub Skills:- Explanation

After the lunch break, we had Meekha mam's class (Optional) in that period we had our micro-teaching class and everyone did their job brilliantly. 

All the Union members were called for a meeting in the seminar hall and we were given time for our Dubsmash practice.


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