17th March 2021

Our seniors Commission began. Due to the pandemic the schools have not started yet and because of that our seniors are forced to teach us instead of school students.
Each of them did an amazing job and took the class brilliantly.
After lunch we had a session with Maya Ma'm and she could see from our face that we were all really tired and instead of continuing with her lessons, Ma'm decided to show a power point presentation on Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem.
2 months back she made us write our positive and negative feelings or problems (that we felt we possessed) and today's class was a reply to that survey.
She randomly picked a girl among us (not disclosing her name here).
Suddenly she started to cry and we were all shocked and got emotional when we learned it's reason.
Poor girl had to suffer a lot for her PG project.
Her story showed how a teacher should never behave.
Last hour, we had a session with Giby Ma'm we played a fun game. We were asked to write down a pairing words like Romeo - Juliette, Tom & Jerry, Kappa & Meen curry. 
I got "Beef" I think I had to find 'Parota', but I couldn't, thus settled with 'Putt'.


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