7th Jan.. Day 2 :: Orientation

Second day began with Ancy teachers class.. She gave us an introduction on her subject 'General Paper'.

Then in the next hour came Dr. Giby Varghese, who would teach us on 'Educational Psychology'. She introduced a new 20-20-20 method used by the famous writer Robin Sharma... Everyday, you should use the first 20 minutes to exercise or to do some stretching.. The next 20 minutes should be devoted to meditate or for prayer and the last 20 minutes to study or to read..

Then we had a session with Dr. Joju.. He enlightened us on many aspects and how we could get over our inhibition and how to be a dynamite teacher.
Final hour we had a session for physical education. Sir taught us the difference between Major and Minor games and the whole batch decided to play a minor game as an ice breaking session.


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