11th Jan.. Day 4 ::Orientation

Today's session started with Dr. Maya.. She continued with her orientation session and today we started off with a talk on 'Styles of Learning'.
Then Ma'm gave a talk on What is Education? and What is Curriculum?
"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world"
                               - Nelson Mandela
Then Ma'm played the college song. She mentioned the struggles they had to endure when they were making this song. The effort put forward by Laji sir was mentioned again. Dear sir, you will always be in our mind and in our prayers.
Next we had a session with Dr. Ancy.. Thus began our theory classes (Developmental Perspective of the Learner, Unit 2 - Development of Learner)
Then afternoon sessions was pretty interesting.. Our new subject (English) teacher Tinu joined us via Google meet.
We used the remaining time for our library visit.. For the first time, I saw so many psychology and philosophy books. 
Found this very interesting and happy when I found our honourable Principal Dr. K. Y. Benedict's thesis 
Then last hour, we had a session with our physical education sir. We played another minor game (Dodge ball) . A fun way to end today's session.  


  1. It was about recording of college Anthem as well as a theme song of our seminar happened in 2012.


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